Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We're Home!

Team South Africa has made it home safely!

After about almost 50 hours of traveling, we were so excited to finally reach America! Our flight back home through Delta was another adventure - as we flew from Durban to Cape Town, South Africa ... only to arrive at the Cape Town Airport and see a big "CANCELED" sign on our flight to Dakar/New York! The team handled it well, laughed about it, and we were able to switch our flights around (and I think we all agreed to NEVER fly with Delta again). With an added 9 hours to our traveling, we flew from Cape Town to Amsterdam to Houston to LAX!

We want to say thank you so much for all of your prayers while on the trip! Praise God for His protection for our team and the health of each team member. Praise God for the work He is doing in South Africa and allowing us to be a little part of it.

We are excited to share with you more of our stories in person of the never-ending beautiful green hills, precious children, rural villages and the all beautiful people we met in South Africa and how God allowed us to display His glory and love!

Liz, who runs the Children's Home in Matatiele, told our team that she has never seen the children so touched or cry so much after having a group leave. Praise God for using our team in these children's lives! We received an email from Liz this morning that said,"There were many more tears concerning your departure - I believe the Lord really touched the children's hearts - there was such a wonderful sense of that." We miss the children dearly and just holding them in our arms! Each precious face has a story to tell and a part of each one of our hearts, and we cannot wait to show you pictures of the precious children and friends we made.

Thank you all again for your prayers and support! We're excited to tell you about all the Lord has done, and how you were such a large part of each of those things through your prayers. We love you all and are happy to be home!

Casey, Katie, Ryan, Sarah, Phillip, Aliayh, Kelsey, & Caeley

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